Neurology Rehabilitation and Recovery
Recovering from brain injury or a neurological condition is often complex and extensive, and Turkey Creek Medical Center offers a wide range of services to help address the unique challenges of neurological damage. Whether it's helping you or a loved one resume regular activities after an injury or providing strategies to manage a degenerative disease, rehabilitation professionals are focused on helping you meet your goals.
Turkey Creek Medical Center provides a range of rehabilitation and recovery services for neurological conditions, including care for:
- Closed head injuries
- Epilepsy
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Nerve injuries and conditions, including neuropathy and myopathy
- Parkinson's disease
- Spinal cord injuries
- Stroke
A dedicated team of rehabilitation specialists — including physical and occupational therapists, cognitive therapists, speech therapists and other dedicated professionals — are committed to helping you or someone you care for regain the highest level of functioning possible.
Support Services
Whether you're living with a neurological condition, or could benefit from resources to assist neurology patients and caretakers, the department offers services including:
- Support groups – Gaining support from others who are affected by neurological conditions can make a difficult process a little bit easier, so Turkey Creek Medical Center offers support groups for both patients and caregivers.
- Home health services – Home care professionals include nurses, health care aides, educators and a variety of therapists who deliver quality home care.